Overview Of PHPgsm
PHPgsm is a game server manager for source games, and as such, will only control steam source games effectively.
Requirements- A linux server running a debian based system (Enterprise Linux will be supported when all the red hat controversy is over and there is clear direction)
- libc-bin version greater than 2.35
- PHP version greater than 8.1
- PHP curl
- PHP gmp
- PHP mysqli
- PHP json
- PHP mbstring
- PHP readline
- PHP xml
- i386 architecture enabled (currently steamcmd needs this)
- steamcmd
- git
- curl
- tmux version greater than version 3.1a
Optional- A mysql database server installed (see installation).
- A web server installed (Apache or nginx).
- PhpOryx data server (only required if you are not using Apache etc. see installation)